Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ho-min Gang, Joong-Hyun Song, Kyu-Woan Cho, Dong-In Jung
Abstract : The present study compared two indirect blood pressure methods at thoracic limb, pelvic limb, and coccygeal sites. For measurement of blood pressure, 48 client-owned dogs in a clinical setting were used. When comparing the results obtained by doppler and oscillometric methods, there were significant differences in blood pressure of the thoracic and pelvic limbs. The Doppler machine produced significantly higher blood pressure value than oscillometry measured at thoracic and pelvic limbs. The difference in blood pressure between the two methods was not significant when measured in the tail. Comparison of blood pressure measured at three different sites by doppler, blood pressure measured at pelvic limb was higher than at thoracic limb and tail. In case of oscillometry, there were no significant differences between the three sites. The results of this study indicate that mechanical and positional differences were existed in blood pressure measurements at the canine thoracic limb, pelvic limb and tail.
Jiyoung Park, Se Hui Kim, Hae-Beom Lee, Seong Mok Jeong
Abstract : This study investigated the antinociceptive effect of epidural tramadol with bupivacaine in 36 healthy Beagle dogs. The dogs were divided into 6 groups; 1) C (control), 2) B (0.5% bupivacaine 0.1 mL/kg), 3) BT0.5 (0.5% bupivacaine 0.1 mL/kg + tramadol 0.5 mg/kg), 4) BT1 (0.5% bupivacaine 0.1 mL/kg + tramadol 1 mg/kg), 5) BT2 (0.5% bupivacaine 0.1 mL/kg + tramadol 2 mg/kg), 6) BT3 (0.5% bupivacaine 0.1 mL/kg + tramadol 3 mg/kg). The epidural injection was performed under isoflurane inhalation, after then, nociceptive block and motor block scores were assessed with physiologic parameters (HR, RR, RT, MAP). BT groups showed significantly longer antinociceptive time than C and B, while motor block time of BT groups were not different from B except BT3. Durations of total nociceptive block of BT2 (60.83±19.08min) and BT3 (74.17±8.61min) were significantly longer than those of BT0.5 (33.33±8.76min) and BT1 (37.50±19.43min), but there was no significant difference between BT2 and BT3. Durations of total motor block in all groups were less than 20 minutes although that of BT3 was significantly longer than B. There were no significant differences in HR, RR, RT, MAP among groups. Consequently, epidural administration of tramadol (2 mg/kg) with 0.5% bupivacaine (0.1 mL/kg) can be used safely and effectively in dogs.
Min-hyeok Park1, Ya-won Hwang1, Do-Sun Jeong2, Gon-hyung Kim1
Abstract : Polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold have been developed as an alternative to natural donor tissue to repair a large osteochondral defect. The objective of this study is to evaluate efficacy and biocompatibility of bilayer PCL scaffold implanted for osteochondral repair in rabbit. Twenty-two male New Zealand White rabbits were used in this animal experiment. Rabbits were divided into three groups. Experimental surgery was carried out under general anesthesia. Osteochondral defects (5 mm diameter and 5 mm deep) were made in the center of the patellar groove using a 5 mm diameter biopsy punch. In group I (3D plotting) and group II (salt-leaching), the scaffold was implanted using the press-fitted technique into the defect. In control group, after osteochondral defect was created, the defect was left without implant. After four and eight weeks, rabbits were sacrificed and the defects were evaluated by macro -and microscopical methods. There were not found animal death and severe inflammatory evidence during the experimental periods. There were no significant differences between the experimental groups in gross evaluation. However the group I scored significantly higher than group II at 8 weeks in histological evaluation (P < 0.05). The 3-D plotting PCL scaffold was more suitable method for reconstruction of osteochondral defect than a salt-leaching PCL scaffold.
Jooho Kim, Suyoung Heo, Jiyoung Na, Namsoo Kim, Minsu Kim, Seongmok Jeong, HaeBeom Lee
Abstract : The present study determined the normal reference ranges for the femoral and tibial joint orientation angles of small-breed dogs. For this purpose, 60 each of cadaveric canine femurs and tibias from normal small-breed dogs (Maltese, Poodle, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier) were examined with radiographs and photographs. Axial and frontal radiographs and photographs of each bone were obtained, from which anteversion and inclination angles, anatomic lateral proximal and distal femoral angles (aLPFA and aLDFA), mechanical lateral proximal and distal femoral angles (mLPFA and mLDFA), and mechanical medial proximal and distal tibial angles (mMPTA and mMDTA) were measured. The 95% CI for radiographic values of all femurs and tibiae were anteversion angle, 23.4-27.4°; inclination angle, 128.4-130.4°; aLPFA, 117.8-122.1°; aLDFA, 93.7-95.2°; mLPFA 113.8-117.3°; mLDFA 99.2-100.5°; mMPTA 96.8-98.5°; mMDTA 89.4-90.7°. The Maltese had a larger anteversion angle than the Poodle and the Yorkshire Terrier and a larger mLPFA than the Poodle. In the comparison between the radiographs and the photographs, significant differences were found in the anteversion angle, mLPFA, mMPTA, and mMDTA. The established normal reference values might be useful for determining whether a valgus or varus deformity of the femur or the tibia is present and if so, the degree of angular correction needed.
Sang-Hyun Han1, Yong-Sang Park2, Jong-Pil Seo2, Tae-Young Kang2
Abstract : Two 1-year old calves of Korean Native cattle (Hanwoo) presented cutaneous papillomas on the face and neck. Type 2 bovine papillomavirus (BPV-2) was identified in the cutaneous papillomas based on BPV-specific PCR and subsequent DNA sequencing analysis results. Using DNA samples extracted from two affected calves and unaffected animals reared in the same stable, BPV-2 was not only detected in the cutaneous papillomas of affected animals based on BPV-specific PCR analysis, but also detected in normal skins, hairs, and their environments based on nested PCR analysis. BPV-2 was also detected in DNA samples isolated from animals and environments of that distinct stable with affected calves. However, no BPV-2 was detected in the drinking water of both stables (infected and unaffected). These findings concluded that BPV-2 was transmitted by direct or indirect contact, not by drinking water. This is the first report to show molecular evidence of BPV-2 infection. Rapid and precise molecular identification can be used to screen BPV-2 in cattle farms to understand the biological roles of BPV in animal diseases.
Jae-Kwan Jeong1, In-Soo Choi1, Soo-Chan Lee1, Sung-Ho Moon1, Hyun-Gu Kang1, Tai-Young Hur2, Ill-Hwa Kim1
Abstract : This study was conducted to investigate reasons for culling of Chungcheong dairy herds and to investigate the relationships between cow parity, interval from calving to culling, or season and culling reasons. Lactation data from 826 cows on 9 dairy farms from 2013 to 2015, including reasons for culling, dates of birth, last calving, and culling, were analyzed. The overall culling rate was 29.8% (246/826), with mammary problems (23.2%) being the most prevalent reason for culling, followed by infertility (14.2%) and downer cow syndrome (11.0%). The culling rate varied among farms (18.8-43.1%, p < 0.05), but was greater in parity 4 ≤ (40.7%) than parities 1, 2, or 3 (17.9-23.6%), whereas the rate was less frequent during mid lactation (21.1%) than in early (36.2%) or late (42.7%) lactation. Moreover, the culling rate was greater during summer (35.8%) than other seasons (20.3-23.2%). Mammary problems, downer cow syndrome, and metabolic disorders were the more common reasons for culling during early lactation, whereas infertility was predominant during late lactation. Our data show that the culling rate in Chungcheong dairy herds was associated with cow parity, interval from calving to culling, and season, with the main reasons for the removal of cows from dairy herds being mammary problems, infertility, and downer cow syndrome.
Sang-Hyoun Park, Il-Jeoung Yu
Abstract : During storage, boar spermatozoa undergo several changes including diminished motility and viability and accumulated reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we investigated the effects of green tea extract (GTE) supplementation in the Sui Dil extender on the sperm motility, viability, ROS and lipid peroxidation (LPO) of longterm preserved boar semen at 17°C. A total number of eight boars were used for this experiment. Pooled ejaculates were diluted to 20 × 106 sperm/ml in the Sui Dil extender containing 0 (control), 1, 10, 100 or 500 mg/l GTE and were preserved at 17°C for 24, 72, 120 and 168 h, respectively. At each storage time, sperm motility and viability were estimated by microscopic examination and the fluorescent double stain Fertilight®, respectively. Sperm ROS level and LPO were assessed using the 2’, 7’-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA)/propidium iodide (PI) and C11-BODIPY581/591/PI with flow cytometry, respectively. Compared to that of the 500 mg group, there were higher sperm motility and viability in the 1, 10 and 100 mg GTE groups during the preservation from 24 to 168 h (p < 0.05). The ROS levels of the 10 and 100 mg groups during the 168 h preservation were lower than those of the 0, 1 and 500 mg groups (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in LPO regardless of the preservation period or the GTE concentration. In conclusion, the optimal concentrations (10 and 100 mg/l) of GTE that led to lower ROS levels may be useful for liquid boar sperm preservation at 17°C for a period of 168 h.
Jun-Am Lee1, Ill-Hwa Kim1, Dae-Youn Hwang2, Hyun-Gu Kang1
Abstract : The aim of the study was to evaluate ultrasonographic findings, affected age, hematology, blood chemistry and clinical signs according to open or closed cervix in 102 bitches presented for treatment of pyometra. The prevalence of pyometra according to breed was observed in Maltese 22.5%, Yorkshire Terrier 13.7% and Shih Tzu 12.7%. The mean age of dogs was 9.6 ± 0.3, and open cervix pyometra was more prevalent than closed cervix pyometra. Clinical signs included anorexia, vaginal discharge, depression, polyuria/polydipsia, vomiting, and abdominal distension. The concentration of BUN and the activity of ALP in dogs with closed cervix pyometra were significantly higher than those in dogs with open cervix pyometra (p < 0.05). The white blood cell and neutrophils in dogs with closed cervix pyometra were significant higher than those in dogs with open cervix pyometra (p < 0.05). Ultrasonographic findings of the uterus with open or closed cervix pyometra showed variable patterns. The uterine wall was variable in appearance, from thick and irregular to smooth and thin. The uterine wall was thicker in open cervix pyometra than in closed cervix pyometra. The luminal cavity included smaller amount of anechoic fluid in open cervix pyometra than in closed cervix pyometra.
Yoo-Seong Jin1,2, Su-Jeong Kim2, Changbaig Hyun2
Abstract : A four month-old intact female Maltese (weighing 1.8 kg) was present with major complaints of severe coughing and dyspnea. Diagnostic imaging studies revealed abnormally elongated chordae tendineae attached to anterior leaflet and shortened chordae tendineae attached to posterior leaflet of mitral valve causing mitral insufficiency and regurgitant blood flow into left atrium, indicating congenital mitral valve dysplasia. Therapy was directed to control existing clinical signs and to prevent further deterioration of cardiac enlargement using conventional cardiac medications. The dog is currently survived and being monitored at regular interval. This is the first case report describing mitral valve dysplasia causing mitral insufficiency of dog in Korea.
Ji-Hye Hwang, Jae-Hoon Kim, Young-Won Lee, Kun-Ho Song, Kyoung-Won Seo
Abstract : A four-year old, intact male, mixed-breed dog had a history of chronic snoring sound and dyspnea. Based on the results of computed tomography, the patient was diagnosed as nasopharyngeal stenosis. Balloon dilatation in the area of stenosis was performed using a balloon dilator inserted retrograde fashion through the working channel of an endoscope. Clinical signs were relieved but reappeared after 3 weeks. Thirty-four days following the first balloon dilatation treatment, a second procedure was performed; the balloon catheter was inserted in antegrade fashion through the left nostril and was filled with contrast agent under fluoroscopic guidance. Because of the relapse of clinical signs after 6 months, the patient received additional balloon dilatation procedure by the antegrade approach. At the oneyear follow-up, the owner said that the clinical signs of nasopharyngeal stenosis had been completely resolved. Balloon dilatation could be a minimally invasive and effective treatment for nasopharyngeal stenosis, although the repetition of the procedure may be required.