Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
2015-10-31 0 188 74
Heejung Kwon1,*, Wonjin Choi1,*, Dong-Guk Lee1,2,*, David Tan3,*, Changbaig Hyun1,*
Abstract : Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a treatment for renal failure and acute poisoning, and uses the patient's peritoneum in the abdomen as a membrane across which fluids and dissolved substances are exchanged from the blood. In this study, we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy and complications of automated peritoneal dialyzer (APD) in dogs with renal failure. PD was performed in 10 dogs using a swan neck catheter (Neonatal, Coviden) and automatic APD. The efficacy for each dog was assessed by calculating urea reduction ratio (URR) and creatinine reduction ratio (CRR). Mean concentrations of pre-dialysis creatinine and blood urea (BUN) were $7.09{pm}3.84$ and $145.8{pm}48.5$, respectively. The mean number of peritoneal dialysis cycles applied was $6{pm}1$ cycles. Peritoneal dialysis resulted in a significant decrease in BUN concentration in 7/10 dogs, while a significant decrease in creatinine concentration in 9/10 dogs. The mean of URR was higher than that of CRR ($0.39{pm}0.16$ vs $0.38{pm}0.13$). The mean CRR and URR per dialysis cycles were $0.064{pm}0.023$ and $0.065{pm}0.023$, respectively. Complications found in this study were catheter occlusion, subcutaneous dialysate leakage, septic peritonitis, hypoalbuminemia and overhydration. This study found PD using a swan neck catheter and APD machine showed acceptable efficacy for successful peritoneal dialysis in dogs. However, close monitoring is required to minimize the risk of complication.
2015-10-31 1 291 137
Sung-Ho Yun1,*, Jihee Park1,*, Jeongkyu Park2,*, Manseop Kim2,*, Dalwon Kim2,*, Moon-Yong Song3,*, Gyoo-Il Kang3,*, Won-Koo Hwang3,*, Sae-Kwang Ku4,*, Kwang-Ho Jang1,*, Young-Sam Kwon1,5,*
Abstract : The objective of this study was to compare the biocompatibility for local irritation and bioavailability of $Gentacol^{TM}$ and $Collatamp^{TM}$, after single intramuscular loading in rats. Sixty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups; (1) any test materials were not applied into the quadriceps muscles (control group, N = 6), (2) Gentamicin was injected into the quadriceps muscles (Gentamicin group, N = 6), (3) Collatamp was applied into the quadriceps muscles (Collatamp group, N = 27), and (4) Gentacol was applied into the quadriceps muscles (Gentacol group, N = 27). The concentration of gentamicin in muscles was gradually decreased with time after loaded in the both $Gentacol^{TM}$ and $Collatamp^{TM}$ loaded regions. No detectable gentamicin was observed in the plasma of $Gentacol^{TM}$ and $Collatamp^{TM}$ loaded rats. Histologically, moderate to severe inflammatory cell infiltrations including PMN, lymphoid cells and macrophages were observed with slight to moderate edematous changes of muscle fibers after intramuscular injection of gentamicin. However, these histopathological changes of gentamicin injection induced local irritations were dramatically decreases after intramuscular loading of $Collatamp^{TM}$ and $Gentacol^{TM}$. These results suggest $Gentacol^{TM}$ may show favorable local bioavailability and induce only slight local irritations as comparable as $Collatamp^{TM}$ without systemic exposures in the condition of this experiment.
2015-10-31 2 174 112
Sangcheol Won, Joo-Myoung Lee, Hyunjung Park, Jongpil Seo, Jongtae Cheong
Abstract : Bone grafting is widely used to bridge major bone defects or to promote bone union. In the evaluation of bone defect regeneration, 5 mm-diameter defects were created in rabbit calvaria. Concerning biocompatibility, fibrous capsule thickness of CBHA (hydroxyapatite from cuttlebone) was significantly thinner than that of CB (cuttlebone) and CHA (hydroxyapatite from coral) (p < 0.05) at 2 and 4 weeks after implantation. Concerning 12-week total changes of radiologic gray-level histogram, CBHA was significantly higher than CHA (p < 0.05). In the evaluation of bone defect regeneration, bone formation of CHA was significantly higher than that of CB and CBHA (p < 0.05). Based on the clinical and histological results, CBHA would be a safe material for use inside the body and has more effective osteoconduction than CB. It is suggested that CBHA is a valuable bone graft material.
2015-10-31 3 241 69
Sangcheol Won, Joo Myoung Lee, Jongtae Cheong, Hyunjung Park, Jongpil Seo
Abstract : Bone grafting is widely used to bridge major bone defects or to promote bone union. Natural calcium carbonate (CC) has been used as a bone substitute material and used to scaffold for bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). The aims of this study is to evaluate the biocompatibility of cuttlebone (CB) and hydroxyapatite from CB (CBHA). Each material was shaped into disks (5 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness). To test biocompatibility, the disks were implanted into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue in mice. Fibrous capsule thickness around each disk was evaluated histologically at 2 and 4 weeks after implantation. Concerning biocompatibility, fibrous capsule thickness of CBHA was significantly thinner than that of CB and CHA (p < 0.05) at 2 and 4 weeks after implantation. Based on the clinical and histological results, CBHA would be a safe material for use inside the body and has more effective osteoconduction than CB.
2015-10-31 0 303 547
Sang-IL Suh, Tae-Jun Kim, Eun-Chan Lee, Changbaig Hyun
Abstract : This study evaluated the myocardial performance on echocardiography after the sedation/anesthesia of medetomidine (D), the combination of medetomidine and tiletamine/zolazepam (DZ), and the combination of medetomidine, tiletamine/zolazepam and tramadol (DZT) in Beagle dogs. Ten healthy adult Beagle dogs (weighing $8.6{pm}1.0kg$) were enrolled in this study. Heart rate (HR), fractional shortening (%FS), left ventricular ejection fraction (%LVEF), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), left ventricular internal diameter in systole (LVIDs) and left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (LVIDd) using M-mode echocardiography were measured prior to anesthesia, then every 10 min for 60 min. The HR, %FS, %LVEF, SV and CO were significantly decreased during sedation/anesthesia with D, DZ and DZT combination of anesthesia. Although those anesthetic protocols provided acceptable quality of sedation/anesthesia, levels of cardiovascular suppression were substantial and persistent and thus the continuous monitoring on vital signs should be accompanied in any situation. Close attention is required for dogs with pre-existing heart diseases, when those anesthetic protocols were applied.
2015-10-31 1 179 67
Jae-Kwan Jeong1, In-Soo Choi1, Hyun-Gu Kang1, Young-Hun Jung2,*, Tai-Young Hur2,*, Ill-Hwa Kim1
Abstract : This study compared blood metabolites during peri- and postpartum periods among cows with clinical or subclinical endometritis and cows without endometritis. Blood samples from 207 Holstein dairy cows were collected at 4 weeks prepartum, just after calving, and at 1, 2, 4, and 6 weeks postpartum to measure serum concentrations of calcium, magnesium, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), total cholesterol, albumin, urea nitrogen, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamyltransferase, glucose, and phosphorus. Clinical endometritis was diagnosed by the observation of vaginal discharge (> 50% pus) and subclinical endometritis was diagnosed by the evaluation of uterine cytology (> 18% neutrophils) at 4 weeks postpartum. Cows were divided into three groups based on the presence or absence of clinical or subclinical endometritis: the control group (n = 104), the clinical endometritis group (n = 66), and the subclinical endometritis group (n = 37). Calcium and magnesium concentrations were lower in the clinical endometritis group than in the control and subclinical endometritis groups throughout the study period (p < 0.05 to 0.0001), whereas the NEFAs concentration was higher in the clinical endometritis group than in the control group throughout the study period (p < 0.01). The total cholesterol concentration was lower in the clinical endometritis group than in the control and subclinical endometritis groups throughout the pre- and postpartum periods (p < 0.05 to 0.001). The albumin concentration was lower in the clinical endometritis group than in the control and subclinical endometritis groups during the postpartum period (p < 0.05 to 0.001). The urea nitrogen concentration was lower in the clinical endometritis group than in the control and subclinical endometritis groups at 4 and 6 weeks postpartum (p < 0.01). At 1 week postpartum, the BHBA concentration was higher in the clinical endometritis group than in the control group (p < 0.05), whereas the AST concentration was higher in the clinical endometritis and subclinical endometritis groups than in the control group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, lower serum concentrations of calcium, magnesium, total cholesterol, albumin, and urea nitrogen, but higher concentrations of NEFAs, BHBA, and AST during the postpartum period were associated with the incidence of clinical endometritis, indicating the importance of balanced nutrition during the transition period.
2015-10-31 0 301 184
Jin-Ho Lee1, Tae-Ho Chung2,*, Sung-Tae Yoon1, Seong-hyun Kim3,*, Min-Su Kim1, Chul Park1
Abstract : A 12-year-old spayed female, Golden Retriever presented with dyspnea and lethargy of 3 months duration. Pericardial effusion and cardiac mass were identified on echocardiography. Pericardiectomy and mass resection were performed for treatment of pericardial effusion and histopathological analysis was conducted for the definitive diagnosis. The mass was diagnosed as hematoma with mainly erythrocyte, fibrin and many of neutrophils based on microscopic description. Severe purulent pericarditis thickened by inflammatory cells and reactive fibrous tissue were identified, but not diagnosed as neoplasm. This is the first case report in veterinary literature of a dog with pericardial effusion caused by cardiac hematoma.
2015-10-31 0 210 132
Chang-Min Lee, Chae-Young Lim, Seung-Gon Kim, Min-Hee Kang, Hee-Myung Park
Abstract : Four cases of acute or acute-on-chronic kidney injury were referred for hemodialysis therapy. All cases had a history of uremic syndrome including refractory vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea and depression. They already had been treated with conventional therapies but the intractable clinical signs were remained without response of medications. Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) sessions were executed in four cases. This study describes the clinical signs and biochemical features of four hemodialysis patients with dialysis adequacy indexed by Kt/V. This report introduced the estimation of hemodialysis adequacy method with clinical cases for establishment of standardization of hemodialysis therapy assess in dogs.
2015-10-31 0 269 625
Sei-Myoung Han1,*, Jong-Taek Kim1,*, Jong-Bok Lee2,*, Kyoung-Won Seo3,*, Woo-Jin Song1,*, Min-Ok Ryu1,*, Cheol-Yong Hwang4,*, Hwa-Young Youn1,4,*
Abstract : The purpose of this case report was to present the treatment of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in dogs with end-stage CKD with uncontrolled uremia. Hemodialysis were carried out 6 patients who failed to improve clinical status with conventional management for CKD. Four dogs with urea reduction ratio (URR) range of 57-72% and 1 dog with URR of 37.3% showed good outcome with decreasing tendency of pre-dialysis Therefore, we suggest that CRRT could be recommended for use in CKD dogs with uncontrolled azotemia or uremia and should be monitor carefully throughout the CRRT.
2015-10-31 2 259 1765
Jong-In Park1,2,*, Sang-Il Suh2,*, Changbaig Hyun2,*
Abstract : A 5 month old Korean domestic short haired male kitten (weighing 1.7 kg) was presented with primary complaints of upper respiratory disease (URD) signs and skin ulceration and edema on face, feet and footpad with lameness. Diagnostic test revealed leukopenia, lymphopenia, pancreatitis and feline calicivirus (FCV) infection. Diagnosis of virulent systemic FCV (VS-FCV) was made on clinical signs, isolation of calicivirus via PCR and exclusion of other causes of acute upper respiratory disease. Therapeutic strategies were directed to lessen URD signs and to treat secondary bacterial infection and antiviral infection. One month after this therapy, skin lesions on face and feet and URD signs were much improved, although the lameness persisted mildly. To author’s best knowledge, this is the first case reporting VS-FCV infection in a kitten in Korea.