Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Original Article ㅣ 2021-10-31
Dong-Jin Chae , Sung-Hyun Han
, Kunho Song*
Abstract : The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between vertebral left atrial size (VLAS) and NT-proBNP levels. Sixty-three dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) were recruited for this study. The MMVD group was classified according to the ACVIM stage based on medical history, clinical signs, and thoracic radiography and echocardiography findings. The N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels were measured using fluorescent immunoassay. VLAS and VHS values were measured using a digital caliper in the right lateral view. There were significant differences in VLAS for each American college of veterinary internal medicine (ACVIM) stage (p < 0.01). As the ACVIM stage increased, it tended to increase. Vertebral heart score (VHS) also showed a tendency to increase with the ACVIM stage (p < 0.01). VLAS was divided into three groups: VLAS
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Doo-Won Song1 , Chang-Min Lee2
, Seung-Gon Kim3
, Min-Hee Kang1
, Dong-Wook Kim4
, Hwi-Yool Kim5
, Kidong Eom6
, Hee-Myung Park1,*
Abstract : A 8-year-old male Golden Retriever dog with bilateral cryptorchidism presented for evaluation of symmetric alopecia and gynecomastia. Abdominal radiography and computed tomography revealed bilateral enlargement of the testicles in the abdominal cavity. The concentrations of estradiol and testosterone in the blood were evaluated, and the results revealed a low testosterone/estradiol ratio despite a normal concentration of estradiol. For correction, cryptorchid testicles were surgically removed. Grossly, the bilateral retroperitoneal cryptorchid testicles were enlarged, firm, and spherical. On histopathologic examination, the right abdominal cryptorchid testicle was diagnosed as a Sertoli cell tumor (SCT)-Seminoma (SEM) combination. The contralateral testicle in the abdomen was diagnosed as a Sertoli cell tumor. The clinical signs of feminization were improved after surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a case of simultaneous SCT on one side and SCT-SEM combination on the other side with sex hormone profiles in a dog.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Sang Kyu Lee1 , Inhyung Lee2,*
Abstract : A 4-year-old gelding Thoroughbred racehorse, which had been undergoing antibiotic therapy at a local veterinary clinic, was referred to the KRA veterinary center with a 20-day history of continuous right nasal discharge. Patient’s history, endoscopic examination, and radiographic examination revealed primary maxillary sinusitis. Under sedation, surgical intervention was performed to collect samples and remove the accumulated mucopurulent exudate in the sinus. Swab samples were collected from the sinus during surgery for cytology and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Only one type of bacteria was cultured, and molecular analyses of 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences identified it as Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus). The isolate was resistant to multiple antibiotics, which are frequently used in equine practice. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was chosen based on antibiotic susceptibility test, trephination, and sinus lavage using saline were applied to treat bacterial sinusitis. The clinical signs improved after 1 month and the patient resumed training. This report describes S. aureus isolated from bacterial maxillary sinusitis in a horse and its antibiotic susceptibility.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Jihee Han1 , Yeonsoo Kim1
, Kyoungwon Seo2
, Kunho Song1,*
Abstract : A 14-month-old, intact female Maltese (case 1) and a 26-month-old, spayed female Dachshund (case 2) had persistent regurgitation over 1 year and 2 years, respectively. In both cases, there were not specific findings in blood examination. Diagnostic imaging and fluoroscopy revealed that gastroesophageal reflux (GER) occurred when the patients ate a barium meal without abdominal contraction. They were treated with proton-pump inhibitor (esomeprazole), sucralfate and prokinetics (cisapride) while in a standing position for an hour after every meal, according to the gastroesophageal disease (GERD) suggested treatment. The case 1 dog was discharged with improved clinical signs, and the case 2 dog also had been improved clinical signs; however, aspiration pneumonia occurred in case 2, which was thought to be a complication from GERD. After receiving treatment for aspiration pneumonia, the case 2 dog was discharged from the hospital. Since there was no further improvement in symptoms after discharge, the case 1 dog was euthanized by owner’s request, and the case 2 is alive, having only mild clinical signs upon the writing of this paper.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Ji-Hun Park , Keun-Yung Kim
, Chae-Yeong Lee
, Si-Eun Lee
, Hyojin Park
, Tae-Sung Hwang
, Hee-Chun Lee
, Dongbin Lee
, Jae-Hoon Lee*
Abstract : Pelvic canal narrowing secondary to pelvic fractures can lead to episodes of recurrent constipation in cats. Triple pelvic osteotomy is considered as a surgical treatment method; however, there is potential for future recurrence of pelvic canal narrowing. This report describes a surgical method using a pelvic symphyseal autograft to keep the distraction of the ischial osteotomy gap to prevent the recurrence of pelvic canal narrowing. A triple pelvic osteotomy was planned to expand the narrow pelvic canal. The cranial ramus of the pubis was cut, and ischiatic and iliac osteotomies were performed. After expanding the ilium, the malunion pelvic symphysis was cut approximately 1 cm and then autografted to the gap of the ischiatic osteotomy line to keep the distraction. The patient showed clinical improvement postoperatively without recurrent pelvic canal narrowing related to triple pelvic osteotomy. However, constipation recurred on post-operative month-5. It was managed conservatively, and subtotal colectomy was performed eventually nine months post-operatively. There were no complications for five months of follow-up.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Jongjin Lee , Jinsu Kang
, Namsoo Kim
, Suyoung Heo*
Abstract : Complications of pelvic fractures and sacroiliac joint luxation include hemoabdomen, pulmonary trauma, and soft tissue injury. Among them, rectal perforation accounts for 1% of pelvic fracture complications. Delayed diagnosis is commonly associated with a poor prognosis. A mixed-breed dog was presented to Jeonbuk Animal Medical Center (JAMC) after a traffic accident with no signs of rectal perforation. After fracture surgery, rectal perforation was seen as a perianal fistula. This report describes a case of a perianal fistula progressed from rectal perforation after a traffic accident that was curatively treated with lateral caudal axial pattern flap surgery to the perianal skin.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Soomin Park1 , Kyung-won Park1
, Eun-bee Lee1
, Yongwoo Sohn2
, Hyohoon Jeong1
, Tae-Young Kang1
, Jong-pil Seo1,*
Abstract : A 10-year-old Thoroughbred mare was referred to the Jeju National University Equine Hospital with roaring, dyspnea, and weight loss. On endoscopic examination, the horse was diagnosed with right arytenoid chondritis. Surgical treatment was selected due to the failure of a previous medical treatment. Permanent tracheostomy was performed in a standing position. The horse was restrained and tied in a proper position in the stock. The cranial parts of the 2nd to 5th tracheal cartilages were resected, as were the associated skin, mucosa, muscle, and cartilages. After the stoma was formed, external mucosa and skin were sutured using a simple interrupted method. The horse was hospitalized for 22 days receiving postoperative care including antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dressing as required, and was pregnant six months after the surgery. A permanent tracheostomy is thought to be effective in horses with diseases causing upper respiratory tract obstruction.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Hee-Soo Cho1 , Jong-Tae Cheong2
, Hyun-Jung Park3
, Jae-Hoon Kim4
, Ji-Youl Jung4
, Youngmin Yun1,*
, Woo-Jin Song1,*
Abstract : We describe the case of a Jindo dog that presented with a 2-month history of an abscess-like mass on the skin of the left hip. The patient was initially diagnosed with a suspected insect bite and was treated with a topical dressing. After observing no improvements, surgical debridement was done to remove the abscess. Nine days after surgery, the patient started showing severe anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, and oliguria. Azotemia was detected, and the patient was diagnosed with acute kidney injury. Ultrasonography depicted an abdominal mass (4.6 × 7.5 cm) in the right ureter, and severe hydronephrosis in the right kidney. The patient was euthanatized. Results of the necropsy, histopathologic examination, and immunohistochemistry for tumor cells, confirmed that the patient had developed hydronephrosis and disseminated histiocytic sarcoma which had metastasized to the lungs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of acute renal failure produced by ureter invasion and urinary tract obstruction resulting from the abdominal mass of disseminated histiocytic sarcoma in dogs.
Case Report ㅣ 2021-10-31
Mi-Na Han1 , Hyeon-Seop Byeon1
, Mun-Hui Chae1
, Rae-Hoon Jang1
, Ki-Jeong Na2,*
Abstract : Two cases of sudden death without clinical signs in a four-month-old female Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae) and sixteen-month-old female Holstein (Bos taurus taurus) were investigated. Severe pneumonia and septicemia were found on postmortem examination. Petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages were present in the subcutaneous tissues of the neck region. The lungs remained expanded without collapsing, and the mediastinal lymph nodes were enlarged. A significant number of hemorrhagic bubbles were present in the tracheal lumen. On histopathology, the alveolar blood vessels were moderately congested, and inflammatory cells and multinucleated syncytial cells were found in the alveolar space. The pathogen isolated from the lesion was identified as Bibersteinia trehalosi using MALDI-TOF and 16S rRNA gene and sodA gene sequence analyses. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of B. trehalosi infection in cattle in Korea.