Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Original Article ㅣ 2022-02-28
Jung-In Shin1,2 , Minkyung Kim1,2
, Jong-Hoon Kim1
, Chaeyeong Lee1
, Young-Hwan Kim2
, Young-Sung You3
, Dong-Bin Lee1
, Jae-Hoon Lee1,*
Abstract : The current, retrospective study aimed to assess the short-term prognosis and postoperative complications associated with the surgical correction of elongated soft palate using harmonic scalpel and to compare the postoperative complications associated with the application of harmonic scalpel and traditional surgery using Metzenbaum scissors. Harmonic scalpel was used to perform staphylectomy in 21 dogs. A total of ten dogs underwent sacculectomy; six dogs with harmonic scalpel and four dogs using Metzenbaum scissors. Stenotic nares were corrected by wedge resection. Postoperative complications were recorded through monitoring and radiographic examinations. Telephone interviews were conducted on the first, third, and seventh day after discharge and continued until the resolution of postoperative complications. Postoperative edema at the surgical site was identified and mitigated within a day or two. Snoring and dyspnea improved dramatically in the group that underwent staphylectomy alone. Moreover, three dogs presented with postoperative gastrointestinal complications, especially retching. The symptoms persisted for seven days and ten days in two dogs that underwent sacculectomy with harmonic scalpel and for two days in one dog that underwent sacculectomy with Metzenbaum scissors. The clinical signs and symptoms of brachycephalic syndrome disappeared without recurrence. Harmonic scalpel provides a hemostatic effect during staphylectomy, is convenient, and does not cause postoperative complications. Conversely, the use of harmonic scalpel during sacculectomy necessitated a longer period for the resolution of complications without any significant hemostatic efficacy, compared to traditional surgery.
Original Article ㅣ 2022-02-28
Taesik Yun1 , Soo Yeon Jung2
, Kyongmook Kang2
, Seon-Jong Yun2
, Yoonhoi Koo1
, Jooyoung Park1
, Ill-Hwa Kim3
, Hyun-Gu Kang3,*
Abstract : As more veterinary clinics become specialized with the growth of the companion animal market, an increasing number of veterinary clinics perform orthopedic surgery and use orthopedic products, some of which are defective and have side effects. Thus, the present study aimed to prepare fundamental data for the revision and development of manufacturing standards for these products in order to prevent their side effects. We conducted a survey targeting veterinary clinics as consumers and medical device companies as suppliers. Veterinary clinics were surveyed via offline and online methods; 320 clinics that offered orthopedic surgery and approximately 4,000 veterinary clinics that were registered in the Korean Veterinary Medical Association were targeted, and 153 veterinary clinics responded to the survey. The survey for medical device companies, was performed online, targeting 29 companies; 14 companies responded. The number of side effects of orthopedic products was higher in animal orthopedic products than in those for human use. Many consumers tended to suspect that side effects were caused by product defects. To resolve side effects after using orthopedic products, consumers mostly underwent reoperation. Meanwhile, some severe cases proceeded to legal disputes. Similarly, medical device companies, or the suppliers, responded that most side effects occurred in veterinary orthopedic products and that product defects and mistakes in use were the causes. As for most of the follow-up actions for side effects, these companies either reported the issue to those in charge or analyzed and resolved the issues themselves. Therefore, to develop quality products, suppliers should be provided with clear standards for the production, and information disclosure and a report system for side effects should be particularly established to gain consumers’ trust regarding the safety of these products.
Case Report ㅣ 2022-02-28
Tae-Sung Hwang1 , Soyon An1
, Moon-Young Choi2
, Chan Huh2
, Joong-Hyun Song3
, Dong-In Jung1
, Hee Chun Lee1,*
Abstract : A 12-year-old spayed female beagle dog was presented with pollakiuria and stranguria. Abdominal ultrasonography identified irregular a marginated, hyperechoic mass in the urethra and trigon area of the bladder. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a heterogeneous mass in the trigone area leading to a urethra. There was no evidence of regional or distant metastasis. Cytologic analysis suspected transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). The patient was treated with piroxicam, mitoxantrone, and once weekly fractionated radiation therapy (RT) with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). A follow-up CT scan at 6 months after RT revealed a reduction in tumor size. At 17 months after the start of RT, the patient became severely anorectic and lethargic. Ultrasound examination revealed a hyperechoic mass in the apex area of bladder while the trigone area of the bladder and urethra appeared normal. Multiple hypoechoic nodules of various sizes were found in the liver and spleen. The patient was humanely euthanized at the request of the owner. A combination of piroxicam, mitoxantrone, and hypofractionated RT with VMAT protocol was well tolerated. This case described tumor response and survival time of a canine TCC treated with piroxicam, mitoxantrone, and once weekly palliative RT using computer-assisted planning and VMAT.
Case Report ㅣ 2022-02-28
Sang-hun Park , Hyunjung Park
, Youngmin Yun
, Jongtae Cheong*
Abstract : An 11-year-old spayed female Maltese dog presented with mass in oral cavity. On conscious oral examination, the right maxillary canine tooth was not visible, and a lesion has been suspected of mass existed in canine tooth area. The adjacent maxillary first premolar was buried in the lesion, with a little part of the tooth exceptions. On radiographic examination, the canine tooth was buried horizontally in the lesion, and the root part was adjacent to the first premolar tooth. Extraction was performed for a treatment. When the lesion was incised, the canine tooth was horizontal with the concave surface facing the palatal, and formed double teeth by fusing with the premolar tooth at the roots parts of the teeth. This report described the double teeth in the dentigerous cyst rarely reported in dogs.
Case Report ㅣ 2022-02-28
Seung-Ho Ryu1 , Chull-Gyu Park2
, Ho-Seong Kim2
, Yeong-Hun Kim3
, Byung-Sun Kim1
, Soon-Wuk Jeong4,*
Abstract : A 5-week old Thoroughbred foal was presented with severe left carpal valgus. Radiographs of the dorsopalmar projections confirmed the deviation was 14 degrees. Surgery using a single-position screw traversing the physis of the distal radius was performed. The limb was almost straight (2 degrees) 3 weeks after surgery. Visual/radiograph follow-up 7 months after screw removal revealed no over-correction after removal of the screw. Transphyseal bridging using a single-position screw without lateral periosteal transection of distal radius was successful for the correction of foals with this condition.
Case Report ㅣ 2022-02-28
Chun-Ki Choi1,2 , Hye-Jin Jung1
, Soon-Wuk Jeong2,*
Abstract : A 2-month-old intact female domestic short hair presented with physical abnormalities, including discharge of watery feces from the vagina, depression, and dehydration. The rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani type 3 were diagnosed on the vaginogram. During the anoplasty, the fistula could not be identified because the patient was too small. Instead of colotomy, feces were flushed out using a feeding tube. To prevent complications, a 1-cc syringe tip was sutured at the surgical site after the anoplasty. At the 3-month telephone follow-up after surgery, the cat was reported to have no further clinical signs.
Case Report ㅣ 2022-02-28
Woojae Choi1,2 , Younghye Ro2
, Leegon Hong1
, Eunkyung Kim2
, Eunhui Choe2
, Danil Kim1,2,3,*
Abstract : A 5-month-old Holstein downer calf was presented, and bovine viral diarrhea virus was detected in the feces and the cerebrospinal fluid. Combined treatment of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) administration and standing rehabilitation had been performed for two months, and the calf could maintain the standing position for a while. However, the symptoms were not improved, and the calf died due to ruminal tympany and aspiration pneumonia. Megaesophagus, abomasal ulcer, and a normal-sized but softened cerebellum were observed in clinical necropsy. Improvement of symptoms was confirmed by rBST, but was not reached the complete recovery of gait and standing position.