Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Original Article ㅣ 2023-06-30
Changwoo Nahm , Yoonhoi Koo
, Taesik Yun
, Hakhyun Kim
, Byeong-Teck Kang
, Mhan-Pyo Yang*
Abstract : Fucoidan extracted from brown seaweed has a variety of biological activities. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) formation is an immune response for the invasion of pathogens. Neutrophils release granule protein and chromatin that form extracellular fibers that bind microbes. These NETs degrade virulence factors and kill bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fucoidan on NET formation of porcine peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). The NET formation was determined by fluorescence emission of propidium iodide (PI) in PMNs by a fluorescence microplate reader. The production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was measured by ELISA method. Fucoidan itself did not show any direct effect on NET formation. However, NET formation of PMNs was increased by the culture supernatant from PBMCs treated with fucoidan. The NET formation of PMNs were also enhanced by treatment with recombinant porcine (rp) TNF-α. The ability of culture supernatant from PBMCs treated with fucoidan to increase the NET formation of PMNs was inhibited by addition of goat anti-rp TNF-α polyclonal antibody (pAb) (IgG) prior to the culture. The increase of NET formation by rp TNF-α was also inhibited by goat anti-rp TNF-α pAb (IgG). The level of TNF-α in culture supernatant from PBMCs was increased by treatment with fucoidan. These results suggest that fucoidan increases porcine NET formation, which is mediated by TNF-α produced from PBMCs.
Original Article ㅣ 2023-06-30
Ji Yeong Lee , Tae Sung Hwang
, Hee Chun Lee*
Abstract : Sarcopenia and myosteatosis can increase the risk of adverse effects in dogs and humans. However, such imaging study results for evaluating sarcopenia and myosteatosis in small dogs have not yet been available. The objective of this study was to assess age-related changes according to the breed in epaxial muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and fat infiltration using CT to evaluate sarcopenia and age-related myosteatosis in small breed dogs. In 144 dogs (92 Maltese dogs, 27 Poodle dogs, and 25 Shih Tzu dogs), Hounsfield Unit (HU) values and CSA of left epaxial muscle were measured at the thirteenth thoracic vertebral level on non-contrast transverse CT images. Differences in HU values and CSA according to age and breed were analyzed. The geriatric group (≥12 years) had significantly lower HU values of epaxial muscle than mature adult group (2 to 6 years) of all breeds. The geriatric group had significantly lower CSA of epaxial muscle than mature adult and senior groups (7 to 11 years) of Maltese dogs. HU values of epaxial muscle were not significantly different among all age groups of all breeds. Maltese dogs had significantly lower CSA of epaxial muscle than Poodle and Shih Tzu dogs in all age groups. Results of this study showed that as age increased in small breed dogs, muscle mass and density decreased.
Original Article ㅣ 2023-06-30
Myeongsu Kim1,2 , Phyo Wai Win1
, Yoonhee Kim1
, Seulgi Gim2
, Haerin Rhim1
, Jae-Ik Han1,2,*
Abstract : This study was conducted to determine genetic diversities of Eimeria spp. detected from wildlife. From January 2020 to December 2021, molecular analysis was conducted for Eimeria spp. detected from wildlife rescued in Jeonbuk province, Korea. Polymerase chain reaction targeting 18 s rRNA gene for Eimeria spp. detected from 8 domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica), 1 Oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis), 1 Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo), 1 Azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus), 1 Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), and 1 raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) was conducted for phylogenetic analysis. Domestic pigeon and Oriental turtle dove were bound to the same cluster. In addition, carnivorous Eurasian eagle owl and poultry were bound to the same cluster. These results suggest that Eimeria spp. can be shared between similar species regardless of species along the food chain, suggesting that wild birds could be carriers of Eimeria spp. in Korea.
Original Article ㅣ 2023-06-30
Kiavash Hushmandi1 , Saied Bokaie1,*
, Darioush Shirani2
, Ali Taghipour3
Abstract : Canine lymphoma (cL) is the most common hematopoietic cancer in dogs. Various determinants have been evaluated to find the predisposing factors in both human and canine lymphoma. Due to common risk factors and similar pathways, cL is considered a potential model for non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in humans. In this case-series study, major hospitals in Tehran consented to take part in this study and between the years of 2020-2022, provided us with 52 cL cases which were approved by the attended pathologist. We designed a questionnaire and collected information about the dogs and their owners. Most of the owners were women, young (younger than 50 years old), had at least diplomas and interestingly were housewives or househusbands. Male dogs with middle to old age (more than 6 years) were mostly referred. The most common characteristics were neutered, normal BCS, purebred, urban but not industrial residence, previous tobacco smoke exposure but no history of previous fungicide or pesticide exposure. Also, most of them did not have any previous autoimmune or immunosuppressive diseases. Presented characteristics should be considered risk determinants but to approve their validity, they should be further evaluated in epidemiological studies.
Case Report ㅣ 2023-06-30
YeSeul Jeon , Hyeona Bae
, DoHyeon Yu*
Abstract : A 13-year-old neutered male mixed-breed dog presented with generalized lymphadenopathy and erythematous cutaneous lesions in the ear pinnae. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the lymph nodes revealed small to intermediate lymphocytes with a “hand mirror” configuration as the predominant cell type. Histopathological analysis of the lymph node showed an infiltrate of CD3-positive small lymphocytes compressing the follicles against the capsule owing to neoplastic cell expansion. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a homogeneous population of CD3+/CD4–/CD5+/CD8–/CD21+/CD34–/CD45– cells in both the peripheral blood and aspirated lymph nodes, which supports the diagnosis of T-zone lymphoma. Laboratory tests revealed lymphocytosis (14,144 cells/μL) in the peripheral blood. However, contrary to expectations, the bone marrow examination revealed no evidence of lymphocytic infiltration. T-zone lymphoma is an indolent lymphoma with a long survival period, and knowledge of its characteristics may affect disease staging and prognosis evaluation. Therefore, peripheral blood count as a sole screening tool for bone marrow metastasis should be used with caution.
Case Report ㅣ 2023-06-30
HeeEun Song1,2 , Eun-bee Lee1
, Kyung-won Park1
, Seyoung Lee1
, Yong-woo Chun3
, Chull-gyu Park3
, Hyohoon Jeong1
, Jong-pil Seo1,*
Abstract : A 3-year-old Thoroughbred gelding was referred to the Jeju National University Equine Hospital with prolonged unilateral nasal discharge for several months. A sinus cyst was suspected based on the history, symptoms, endoscopic findings, and radiographic results. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed that the cyst (7.5 × 8.0 × 10.0 cm) was located between the rostral maxillary sinus and the frontal sinus, causing distortion and remodeling of the overlying bones, swelling of the overlying cutaneous tissues, and a slight deviation of the nasal septum. Standing surgery under sedation was decided to remove the cyst. A frontonasal bone flap was performed using an oscillating bone saw, and the cyst filled with pus was removed. To support the approach to the maxillary sinus, trephination was performed. The horse was treated with sinus lavage via catheterization, nebulization, antibiotics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The horse was discharged 18 days after the surgery without signs of any complication. This case showed that a CT scan could be a valuable tool for the diagnosis and subsequent surgical management of paranasal sinus cysts in horses. Also, the frontonasal bone flap was useful for exposing and removing the large-sized of cyst in the paranasal sinus.
Case Report ㅣ 2023-06-30
Gyuho Jeong1 , Younghye Ro1
, Kyunghyun Min2
, Woojae Choi3
, Ilsu Yoon1
, Hyoeun Noh1
, Danil Kim1,3,*
Abstract : A 3-month-old Korean native cattle (Hanwoo) calf with difficulty taking normal posture and an inability to rise was referred for a definite diagnosis and active treatment, including surgery. The calf had a history of an accident in which both hind limbs were trapped in a barn structure. After admission, a “rabbit leg” posture was observed, a typical sign of gastrocnemius muscle rupture, and both digits were knuckled downward like they were trying to grip the ground. This was considered to be a result of the superficial digital flexor not rupturing but only the gastrocnemius muscle rupturing. Physical examination revealed laceration of the metatarsus and firmness behind both stifle joints which were presumed to be the sites of gastrocnemius muscle rupture. Skeletal abnormalities, including fractures, were ruled out by radiography. Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with bilateral gastrocnemius muscle rupture, and surgery was performed to reconnect the head of the ruptured muscle. Because the rupture occurred perpendicular to the muscle direction, the locking loop technique, a method of suturing severed tendons, was used to reduce the tension. After surgery, the cast was used to prevent further injuries and promote voluntary rehabilitation. Follow-up was completed, with the calf showing normal posture and gait 112 days after surgery. This is the first case report in the Republic of Korea describing the successful diagnosis and treatment of bilateral gastrocnemius muscle rupture in a calf.
Case Report ㅣ 2023-06-30
Abstract : two-year-old spayed female Maltipoo dog was presented with a two-month duration of glaucoma in the right eye. On the first presentation, menace response and dazzle reflex were absent in the right eye, but it was present in the left eye. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy showed buphthalmia, mild corneal edema, and conjunctival and episcleral hyperemia in the right eye. The intraocular pressures were 70 mmHg and 30 mmHg in the right and left eyes, respectively. On the gonioscopic and high-resolution ultrasound examinations, both the iridocorneal angle and ciliary cleft were completely closed in the right eye. However, gonioscopy revealed an opened iridocorneal angle even with some broader base of pectinate ligament fiber, but high-resolution ultrasound showed a narrowed ciliary cleft and increased contact of the iris base with the limbal cornea in the left eye. Based on these results, a diagnosis of primary angle-closure glaucoma was made in both eyes. This case report highlighted the importance of evaluating the ciliary cleft with high-resolution ultrasound as a critical diagnostic and prognostic role in canine glaucoma.
Case Report ㅣ 2023-06-30
Seok-Min Lee , A-Rim Lee
, Young-Won Lee
, Ho-Jung Choi*
Abstract : In three dogs showing cerebellar ataxia, the onset of clinical signs varied from a young age of five months to age 13 years. Qualitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed various degrees of cerebellar atrophy, and a tentative diagnosis of cerebellar cortical degeneration was made. Quantitative analysis using the brainstem to the cerebellar cross-sectional area ratio (BS:CBM ratio) and T2-signal intensity histograms were obtained to perform an objective evaluation. These techniques have the advantage of being easy and fast to evaluate. These quantitative analyses revealed the severity of cerebellar cortical degeneration in the three dogs as mild, moderate, and severe. Dogs 2 and 3 were identified as abnormal on the relative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space using T2-signal intensity histograms but were normal on the BS:CBM ratio. This suggests that the T2-signal intensity histograms may have higher sensitivity than BS:CBM ratio.
Case Report ㅣ 2023-06-30
Youngrok Song1 , Youngsoo Hong1
, Solji Choi1
, Woojin Song1
, Hyunjung Park1
, Joo-Myoung Lee1
, Jungha Lee2
, Jongtae Cheong1,*
Abstract : A 6-year-old intact male Cane Corso dog weighing 40 kg with a 2-month history of dysuria, dyschezia, anorexia, intermittent panting, and penile discharge presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Jeju National University. Examination revealed a giant paraprostatic cyst (PPC) that occupied a large part of the abdomen and caused displacement of organs. Radiography, ultrasound, and computed tomography (CT) scans confirmed that the PPC had spread to the pelvic regions. Subtotal resection was performed, leaving two sites with PPC remnants. One site was the prostate gland, which communicated with, and adhered to, the PPC; the other site was the pelvic region, where the PPC had spread. The reason for leaving two remnants was that an anatomical approach for complete resection was difficult, and to avoid complications associated with prostatic urethra damage. Routine omentalization and castration were performed. Partial cystectomy was performed because of the presence of a diverticulum- like lesion in the ventral part of the urinary bladder. The patient’s clinical symptoms, including dysuria, completely resolved, and voluntary urination was possible 1 day post-operatively. Histopathological examination revealed osseous metaplasia of the PPC. The patient was well-managed and had no post-operative complications or recurrence until day 180 of follow-up.