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J Vet Clin 2016; 33(5): 295-299


Published online October 31, 2016

Bilateral Patellar Groove Replacement in a Dog with Iatrogenic Trochlear Groove Damage

Yongrak Kim, Yunsik Park, Jiyoung Park, Seong Mok Jeong, Haebeom Lee

College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University

Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.


A 2-year-old, 1.94 kg spayed female Toy Poodle was referred for revision surgery for patellar reluxation following surgery for bilateral medial patellar luxation (MPL). Intermittent non-weight-bearing lameness of the right hindlimb and weight-bearing lameness of the left hindlimb were evident on general inspection. A physical examination revealed that there was a bilateral grade 4 MPL. On radiographs, the medial and lateral trochlear ridge was bilaterally worn out. Patellar groove replacement (PGR) was performed in two stages to replace the bilateral femoral trochlea that had a severely worn out groove. Corrective femoral osteotomy with increasing anteversion angle, tibial tuberosity transposition, medial releasing, lateral imbrications and PGR were performed on the right hindlimb. Six months after surgery on the right hindlimb, a PGR prosthesis was positioned medially on the frontal plane and tibial tuberosity transposition and lateral imbrications were performed on the left hindlimb. Two weeks after surgery, reluxation of the patella occurred on the left hindlimb. The tibial tuberosity transposition was performed to realign the patella more laterally than the previous surgery, and a patellar sling was applied. Two years after the last surgery, the patient showed no pain on the stifle joint and satisfactory weight-bearing ambulation. Reluxation did not recur. PGR maybe a successful treatment for dogs with iatrogenically damaged and/or worn out patellar grooves.

Keywords: medial patellar luxation, patellar groove replacement


J Vet Clin 2016; 33(5): 295-299

Published online October 31, 2016 https://doi.org/10.17555/jvc.2016.

Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.

Bilateral Patellar Groove Replacement in a Dog with Iatrogenic Trochlear Groove Damage

Yongrak Kim, Yunsik Park, Jiyoung Park, Seong Mok Jeong, Haebeom Lee

College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University


A 2-year-old, 1.94 kg spayed female Toy Poodle was referred for revision surgery for patellar reluxation following surgery for bilateral medial patellar luxation (MPL). Intermittent non-weight-bearing lameness of the right hindlimb and weight-bearing lameness of the left hindlimb were evident on general inspection. A physical examination revealed that there was a bilateral grade 4 MPL. On radiographs, the medial and lateral trochlear ridge was bilaterally worn out. Patellar groove replacement (PGR) was performed in two stages to replace the bilateral femoral trochlea that had a severely worn out groove. Corrective femoral osteotomy with increasing anteversion angle, tibial tuberosity transposition, medial releasing, lateral imbrications and PGR were performed on the right hindlimb. Six months after surgery on the right hindlimb, a PGR prosthesis was positioned medially on the frontal plane and tibial tuberosity transposition and lateral imbrications were performed on the left hindlimb. Two weeks after surgery, reluxation of the patella occurred on the left hindlimb. The tibial tuberosity transposition was performed to realign the patella more laterally than the previous surgery, and a patellar sling was applied. Two years after the last surgery, the patient showed no pain on the stifle joint and satisfactory weight-bearing ambulation. Reluxation did not recur. PGR maybe a successful treatment for dogs with iatrogenically damaged and/or worn out patellar grooves.

Keywords: medial patellar luxation, patellar groove replacement

Vol.41 No.6 December 2024

The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics

pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749

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