Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
J Vet Clin 2015; 32(6): 514-518
Published online December 31, 2015
Jiyoung Park, Hae-Beom Lee, Seong Mok Jeong
Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.
A 1-year-old, 2.35 kg spayed female American short hair cat was referred with episodic signs of heat at 3 months after ovariohysterectomy. Through the screening tests, bilateral cystic, ovary like masses were shown at the caudal to both kidneys with high serum estradiol concentration. It was considered that the patient was suffered from ovarian remnant syndrome. Laparoscopic exploration was performed, and each of mass lesions was resected by ultrasonic scalpel. Patient was recovered favorably and has been doing well without recurrence of estrus signs until 2 years after surgery.
Keywords: ovarian remnant syndrome, laparoscopy, ultrasonic scalpel, queen.
J Vet Clin 2015; 32(6): 514-518
Published online December 31, 2015 https://doi.org/10.17555/jvc.2015.
Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.
Jiyoung Park, Hae-Beom Lee, Seong Mok Jeong
College of Veterinary Medicine · Research institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea
A 1-year-old, 2.35 kg spayed female American short hair cat was referred with episodic signs of heat at 3 months after ovariohysterectomy. Through the screening tests, bilateral cystic, ovary like masses were shown at the caudal to both kidneys with high serum estradiol concentration. It was considered that the patient was suffered from ovarian remnant syndrome. Laparoscopic exploration was performed, and each of mass lesions was resected by ultrasonic scalpel. Patient was recovered favorably and has been doing well without recurrence of estrus signs until 2 years after surgery.
Keywords: ovarian remnant syndrome, laparoscopy, ultrasonic scalpel, queen.