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J Vet Clin 2014; 31(4): 303-306


Published online August 30, 2014

Heart-base Tumors in Three Yorkshire Terriers

Jeong-Kuk Kwon1,*, Woo-Jo Chung1,*, Ju-Won Jang1,*, Young-Il Kim1,*, Dae-Won Chung2,*, Seok-Young Jeoung3,*, Jin-Young Chung4,*

*Ray Veterinary Medical Center, Seoul 135-838, Korea
**Central Animal Hospital, Inchon 23-4, Korea
***Gangnam Animal Clinic, Chunchon 200-936, Korea
****Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University, ChunChon 200-701, Korea

Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.


Three Yorkshire Terriers (12-year-old, 13-year-old, and 15-year-old castrated males) with respiratory distress, coughing and anorexia were the subjects of this report. In laboratory examinations, there were no remarkable findings. However, the thoracic radiographic findings included a large mass of soft tissue density in the cardiac base region, tracheal elevation, and aortic bulging in all three Yorkshire Terriers. There were no remarkable findings in the abdominal radiographs. In echocardiography, a homogeneous hyperechoic mass around the aorta and bicuspid valve regurgitation were found in all three dogs. There were no remarkable findings in abdominal ultrasonography. Computed tomographic findings showed a large well -defined heterogeneous mass in the cranial vena cava, which was dominant in the left side in all three Yorkshire Terriers. The mass sizes were about 3 × 4 cm. In post-contrast scanning, contrast enhancement was evident. These cases were diagnosed as heart-base tumor. Treatments provided to the three dogs were based on symptomatic medical management of cardiac failure and tracheal collapse. Case 1 (12-year-old) survived for 3 months, case 2 (13-year-old) for 5 months, and case 3 (15-year-old) for 32 months after the diagnosis. Our results show that the clinical findings, thoracic radiography, echocardiography, computed tomography (CT) and symptomatic medical management in dogs suspected to have heart base tumor.

Keywords: Computed tomographic, heart base tumor, symptomatic medical management, Yorkshire Terriers.


J Vet Clin 2014; 31(4): 303-306

Published online August 30, 2014 https://doi.org/10.17555/ksvc.2014.

Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.

Heart-base Tumors in Three Yorkshire Terriers

Jeong-Kuk Kwon1,*, Woo-Jo Chung1,*, Ju-Won Jang1,*, Young-Il Kim1,*, Dae-Won Chung2,*, Seok-Young Jeoung3,*, Jin-Young Chung4,*

*Ray Veterinary Medical Center, Seoul 135-838, Korea
**Central Animal Hospital, Inchon 23-4, Korea
***Gangnam Animal Clinic, Chunchon 200-936, Korea
****Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University, ChunChon 200-701, Korea


Three Yorkshire Terriers (12-year-old, 13-year-old, and 15-year-old castrated males) with respiratory distress, coughing and anorexia were the subjects of this report. In laboratory examinations, there were no remarkable findings. However, the thoracic radiographic findings included a large mass of soft tissue density in the cardiac base region, tracheal elevation, and aortic bulging in all three Yorkshire Terriers. There were no remarkable findings in the abdominal radiographs. In echocardiography, a homogeneous hyperechoic mass around the aorta and bicuspid valve regurgitation were found in all three dogs. There were no remarkable findings in abdominal ultrasonography. Computed tomographic findings showed a large well -defined heterogeneous mass in the cranial vena cava, which was dominant in the left side in all three Yorkshire Terriers. The mass sizes were about 3 × 4 cm. In post-contrast scanning, contrast enhancement was evident. These cases were diagnosed as heart-base tumor. Treatments provided to the three dogs were based on symptomatic medical management of cardiac failure and tracheal collapse. Case 1 (12-year-old) survived for 3 months, case 2 (13-year-old) for 5 months, and case 3 (15-year-old) for 32 months after the diagnosis. Our results show that the clinical findings, thoracic radiography, echocardiography, computed tomography (CT) and symptomatic medical management in dogs suspected to have heart base tumor.

Keywords: Computed tomographic, heart base tumor, symptomatic medical management, Yorkshire Terriers.

Vol.41 No.6 December 2024

The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics

pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749

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