Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
J Vet Clin 2002; 19(2): 211-214
Published online June 1, 2002
신남식, 권수완, 김양범
Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.
The mortalities of exotic felids that have been raised in Everland Zoological Gardens within a designated period (1976∼2001) were retrospectively analyzed based on the clinical charts and/or autopsy reports. During that period, a total of 154 exotic folios from 5 species were died. Noninfectious and traumatic factors, respiratory and digestive disorders account for the majority of cause of death. 40% of the death was concentrated in the winter season. The mortality of female and male was 55% and 45% respectively. The mortality of newborn folios(57%) were significantly higher than that of adult(32% and juvenile felids(11%) due to neonatal problems.
Keywords: exotic felids, mortality, disease, survey
J Vet Clin 2002; 19(2): 211-214
Published online June 1, 2002
Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.
신남식, 권수완, 김양범
에버랜드 동물원
The mortalities of exotic felids that have been raised in Everland Zoological Gardens within a designated period (1976∼2001) were retrospectively analyzed based on the clinical charts and/or autopsy reports. During that period, a total of 154 exotic folios from 5 species were died. Noninfectious and traumatic factors, respiratory and digestive disorders account for the majority of cause of death. 40% of the death was concentrated in the winter season. The mortality of female and male was 55% and 45% respectively. The mortality of newborn folios(57%) were significantly higher than that of adult(32% and juvenile felids(11%) due to neonatal problems.
Keywords: exotic felids, mortality, disease, survey