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J Vet Clin 2007; 24(4): 557-562

Published online December 1, 2007

Prevalence of Corneal Diseases of Dogs in Korea

채제민1, 정만복1, 이나영2, 박신애1, 김원태1, 김현아3, 김세은1, 서강문1

1서울대학교 수의과대학, BK21 수의과학연구인력양성사업단, 수의외과학/안과학교실, 2노스캐롤라이나주립대학 수의과대학 안과학교실, 3남양주 동물병원

Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.


This study was performed to investigate the signalment, cause and clinical feature of corneal diseases of dogs in Korea. One hundred eighty-four dogs(273 eyes) with corneal diseases were examined and classified into congenital, inflammatory and metabolic diseases. Inflammatory diseases were subclassified into nonulcerative keratitis and ulcerative keratitis. The most prevalent corneal disease type was inflammatory disease(93.7%) and nonulcerative keratitis(58.6%) is more prevalent than ulcerative keratitis(35.1%) in the inflammatory diseases. The main cause of nonulcerative keratitis was keratoconjunctivitis sicca(19.0%) whereas that of ulcerative keratitis was trauma(9.9%). The most common breed with corneal disease was Shih Tzu(49.5%). The affected mean age was $6.4{pm}4.1$ years old. The prevalence rate of corneal diseases were slightly higher in female(56.8%) than in male(43.2%). The data of corneal diseases in dogs obtained from this study will be utilized in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of corneal diseases in dogs and client education.

Keywords: prevalence, cornea, disease, dog, Korea


J Vet Clin 2007; 24(4): 557-562

Published online December 1, 2007

Copyright © The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics.

Prevalence of Corneal Diseases of Dogs in Korea

채제민1, 정만복1, 이나영2, 박신애1, 김원태1, 김현아3, 김세은1, 서강문1

1서울대학교 수의과대학, BK21 수의과학연구인력양성사업단, 수의외과학/안과학교실, 2노스캐롤라이나주립대학 수의과대학 안과학교실, 3남양주 동물병원


This study was performed to investigate the signalment, cause and clinical feature of corneal diseases of dogs in Korea. One hundred eighty-four dogs(273 eyes) with corneal diseases were examined and classified into congenital, inflammatory and metabolic diseases. Inflammatory diseases were subclassified into nonulcerative keratitis and ulcerative keratitis. The most prevalent corneal disease type was inflammatory disease(93.7%) and nonulcerative keratitis(58.6%) is more prevalent than ulcerative keratitis(35.1%) in the inflammatory diseases. The main cause of nonulcerative keratitis was keratoconjunctivitis sicca(19.0%) whereas that of ulcerative keratitis was trauma(9.9%). The most common breed with corneal disease was Shih Tzu(49.5%). The affected mean age was $6.4{pm}4.1$ years old. The prevalence rate of corneal diseases were slightly higher in female(56.8%) than in male(43.2%). The data of corneal diseases in dogs obtained from this study will be utilized in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of corneal diseases in dogs and client education.

Keywords: prevalence, cornea, disease, dog, Korea

Vol.41 No.6 December 2024

The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinics

pISSN 1598-298X
eISSN 2384-0749

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